Friday, March 31, 2006


Nuff said

I can stand

Max can now stand up pretty good in this contraption

Cousins at play

aerial view

Max in the bucket hat II

Max in the bucket hat

Just returning from a walk

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Scenes from a great party

Thanks again jenna

Happy Birthday Steve

Jenna is so nice to me. Note the Doc Ock and Spidey decoration on the cake.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I'll get you with my heat vision.

Zod will be destroyed

Grandma and Julian

Time for visit


Daddy feeds baby Max


Make your own noise

Here is Max telling you what he feels about food.

Visit to Aunt Mandy's and Uncle Mike's

Julian, grandma, Max and Bubby Needleman


Nicolas cages son aparently has a new line of baby clothing. (sike)

Exer-saucer time

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Finally, new pix

new stats:

6 month old
16 lb 12 oz
26 1/2 inches